Month: May 2023

Bodyguard Khaled Al-Ghamdi’s wedding party ignites Twitter

The presence of a number of bodyguards, “Body Guard”, at the marriage ceremony of Khaled Al-Ghamdi, the star of Al-Nasr Club, sparked a state of controversy, via the micro-blogging site “Twitter”. The pioneers of “Twitter” expressed their surprise at the

Bodyguards fashion in the world of art and politics in Egypt

Many stars in Egypt are keen on his bodyguard accompanying them in most of their movements and steps, as some consider it an inevitable necessity to protect him from the crowd crowding on the artist while he is in public

Bodyguard guarding an Egyptian teacher?

An Egyptian teacher has sparked widespread controversy recently, after the pioneers of social networking sites shared a picture of her under strict guard by the “Body Guard”. The Egyptian teacher appeared in the picture, surrounded by 4 young men who

The best body guard collection in Egypt

The best body guard collection in Egypt Get the best bodyguard in Egypt through Bodyguard Egypt for private security. 15 years of experience in security and insurance. A bodyguard trained in the latest methods of private security. Bodyguard or bodyguard

The best body guard in Egypt

We have the best bodyguard or bodyguard group to protect you and your family and secure conferences, celebrations and VIPs. Personnel who want physical fitness, honesty and security experience for the safety of individuals, important personalities, sheikhs and princes of

Information about Body Guard in Egypt

Information about Body Guard in Egypt The body guard is in Egypt to protect businessmen, celebrities, Gulf businessmen, their families, and diplomats, as the body guard profession has flourished in Egypt in recent years, and the demand for it has

What is a bodyguard – a bodyguard for private guards

Find out with us what the bodyguard is First, I want Jared, he is a man whose first and last mission is to preserve your life, even if he has to sacrifice his life for your personal life, which is

The Bodyguard in Egypt

The “body guard” phenomenon began in Egypt as one of the manifestations of luxury among the rich, particularly businessmen and artists. However, the body guard phenomenon developed after that and the body guard’s tasks multiplied with it. And it has

Bodyguard – the most widespread profession and a heavy demand by celebrities, businessmen and families

Bodyguard – the most common profession Where many businessmen, whether Egyptians or foreigners, celebrities, sheikhs and princes of the Gulf, resort to the help of a body guard (Body Guard) to protect them during their stay in Egypt to protect

Definition of bodyguard

Definition of bodyguard The bodyguard or bodyguard is a personal guard or private escort that some businessmen or celebrities resort to to protect them from situations that may cause them embarrassment in many cases. They are also used to secure

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