The first girl in Egypt to work in the bodyguard profession
Hind Wajih, the first woman to work as a bodyguard, or bodyguard, revealed a higher rank than the bodyguard, noting that citizens believe that whoever works in this profession must have a large body and muscles, adding that the bodyguard can secure artists or concerts. , and not political or diplomatic figures.And Wajih continued, during her interview with the program “The Women Do Not Know They Lied” on the “CBC” channel, that what helped her in her work, Badi Qard, is that she learned comprehensive martial arts and free street fighting from her childhood, noting that she worked in a pharmacy for 12 years, and she has experience in first aid. primary, which helped her in her work.The first woman to work as a bodyguard added that she knew about the existence of bodyguard companies, and she could get courses through them to go through the experience, but it was difficult and suffering at first because she is a woman, and she was always asked a question: “How did you work as a bodyguard when you were a woman?”She pointed out that she received practical tests at the beginning to prove that she is qualified to work as a bodyguard, and she learned many things, including oral training, first aid, customer protection, talking with the responsible authorities, as well as using weapons and removing them in a safe way, following that she also learned monitoring, monitoring, securing the place, and the protocol for dealing with customers and the public.
Working in the bodyguard profession in Egypt
Bodyguard profession is a common job in Egypt, especially in sectors that require protection and security such as large companies and VIPs. Although the profession is mostly male, women can work in this field as well.Those working in this profession are required to pass special training courses to learn how to handle weapons and personal defense techniques, in addition to obtaining the necessary work and security licenses. Workers in this field must also be physically and mentally fit to handle the pressures of work and maintain the safety of the people they protect.It is important to note that the practice of the personal protection profession in Egypt requires adherence to the laws and regulations related to security and safety, and not committing any violations or abuses.And the worker in this field must be able to deal with people of high social status, politicians and public figures according to their special needs.Job opportunities in the field of bodyguards may be available in private security companies and various government institutions in Egypt. Those wishing to work in this field can search for companies specialized in this field and submit job applications to them.Workers in this field must be ready to work at unusual times and in different places, and must always be ready to protect the personalities they are protecting with the highest levels of efficiency and professionalism.
Bodyguard profession
A bodyguard also needs to be able to handle difficult situations and make quick and right decisions in an emergency. The worker must also be able to communicate well with the figures he protects and with his co-workers.A bodyguard career can be a very rewarding field of work, as the wages in this field are generally considered high, especially if the worker is able to build a good reputation in this field.In general, the body guard profession requires a lot of skills and preparations necessary to work in an environment that requires constant caution and vigilance, and no person should work in this field unless he is ready to take responsibility and commit to maintaining security and safety.