Bodyguards in Egypt

The importance of bodyguards in Egypt

A bodyguard or personal security guard is someone who works to protect individuals or clients from external risks and threats. In Egypt, there are many private security companies that provide personal and corporate protection services. These companies work to secure people and places, including commercial buildings, government institutions, hotels, villas, and public events.

The work of a bodyguard requires special skills in dealing with emergency situations and effectively protecting the client. The bodyguard may hold an official license from the relevant security authorities and may have received specialized training in areas such as handling armed attacks, first aid, defensive driving, and self-defense techniques. The hiring of a bodyguard depends on the level of expected threats and required skills.

The History of the Bodily Guard in Egypt

The history of using Bodyguard services in Egypt extends over several decades. In the 1960s and 1970s, there was an increasing need to protect important personalities, diplomats, and businessmen in Egypt. Personal security guards were employed during that period to provide protection for these individuals, and they received specialized training to deal with potential threats.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Egypt witnessed an expansion in the tourism industry and an influx of tourists from different parts of the world. The need to protect tourists and famous tourist sites such as the pyramids and temples increased. Private security companies began to employ personal security guards to provide protection for tourists and ensure their safety during their visits to Egypt.

Since then, Bodyguard services have continued to evolve and thrive in Egypt. The areas of using personal security guards have expanded to include many sectors such as business, diplomacy, entertainment, and large events. Bodyguards in Egypt are trained in a variety of skills to meet clients’ needs and provide effective protection and safety.

The Role of the Security Guard in Protecting Facilities and Institutions

The role of security guards in protecting facilities and institutions lies in providing personal and physical security for the facility or institution as well as the individuals associated with it. Their roles may include.

  • Implementing inspection and screening procedures to ensure that only authorized personnel enter the facility or institution. Techniques such as bag searches and metal detection devices may be used.
  • Conducting security patrols within the facility or institution to ensure that there are no threats or unauthorized activities. They can monitor security cameras and respond to emergency or suspicious situations.
  • Providing protection for important individuals, such as businessmen, ambassadors, and government officials. Direct protection is provided for these individuals and they are accompanied during their travels to ensure their safety.
  • Security guards are trained to deal with potential threats such as armed attacks or terrorist threats. They are prepared to act quickly and effectively to protect the facility and prevent harm to those associated with it.
  • Security guards can provide training to employees and staff within the facility or institution on safety and personal security. This may include teaching individuals how to handle emergency situations and respond appropriately.
  • Security guards work to protect the property and equipment within the facility or institution. They can assist in preventing theft and unauthorized manipulation of sensitive property and information.

It is important to note that the role of a security guard varies depending on the type of facility or institution and its specific security requirements. Additional tasks may need to be assigned to security guards based on unique circumstances or threats.

The required training for bodyguards

The necessary training for security personnel includes familiarization with local and international laws and requirements, as well as the quality of protection they provide. Security personnel require training in all areas, including combat skills and weapon use.

Security personnel must also be able to provide first aid in emergency situations. Additionally, security personnel must be able to interact with customers and visitors politely and professionally. They should also be able to analyze and evaluate risks and respond to emergencies at their place of work.

Training requirements vary from country to country and encompass a variety of security and safety issues. Security personnel must receive appropriate training and obtain the necessary certifications and licenses from relevant authorities.

Occupational safety and health issues for bodyguards

Bodyguards must adhere to professional safety and health standards to prevent injuries and accidents while working. Among the important issues that must be considered are.

  1. Bodyguards must receive the necessary training to perform their duties safely and effectively.
  2. Bodyguards must use appropriate personal protective equipment, such as protective vests, gloves, and goggles.
  3. Bodyguards must comply with security and general safety procedures, such as identity verification and inspection upon entering the facility.
  4. Bodyguards must adhere to general health procedures, such as hand washing and wearing masks in case of infectious diseases.
  5. Bodyguards must train in safely and effectively handling violence and threats, and dealing with hostile individuals carefully and decisively.
These are the most important conditions for maintaining professional safety and health for individuals. Bodyguards must maintain their physical and mental fitness to perform their duties effectively and safely.


The challenges facing bodyguards in Egypt

Bodyguards in Egypt face many challenges, as many of them suffer from a lack of sufficient professional training, which leads to poor preparedness to deal with emergencies and critical situations. Additionally, Egypt lacks clear legislation that defines the duties and powers of bodyguards, leading to disputes and problems between them, security authorities, and citizens.

Moreover, bodyguards in Egypt are exposed to violence and threats from some citizens and criminals, making them live in a state of fear and tension. They work under difficult and exhausting conditions, where they have to work for long hours without adequate rest, affecting their health and safety.

Using modern technologies to enhance security operations through the use of bodyguards

The modern technologies can be used to enhance security work through the use of bodyguards in several ways, including.

  • Smart cameras can be used to monitor different areas and ensure that there are no security threats. They can also be used to identify the individuals attempting to enter the protected area.
  • Bodyguards can use portable electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets to record notes and reports and communicate with relevant authorities in case of any security threats.
  • Biometric technologies such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning can be used to identify individuals attempting to enter the protected area.
  • Security robots can be used to perform various security tasks such as monitoring, verifying identities and detecting suspicious objects.
  • Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze security-related data and information, identify abnormal patterns and issue warnings.
These were the most important uses of modern technologies to improve security work through the trained and qualified bodyguard in this field of expertise.
The conclusion Today we talked about the bodyguard profession in Egypt, which is one of the most important professions that require physical strength and fitness because it is responsible for maintaining the security and safety of people and properties in public places. Bodyguards are characterized by intensive professional training and extensive experience in the field of security and protection.


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