Do you need a bodyguard to visit Cairo, Egypt

Do you need a bodyguard to visit Cairo, Egypt

Do You Need a Bodyguard to Visit Cairo, Egypt?

Visiting Cairo, the capital of Egypt, can be an exciting and culturally enriching experience. However, some travelers might wonder if they need a bodyguard to ensure their safety during their trip. In this article, we will discuss whether a bodyguard is necessary when visiting Cairo and provide tips on how to stay safe while traveling.

Safety Situation in Cairo

Cairo is a large and bustling city, and like any major metropolis, it has its share of security issues. However, it is generally safe for tourists who take standard precautions. The Egyptian government has taken significant measures to enhance security in tourist areas, and many visitors explore the city without encountering any problems.

When Might You Need a Bodyguard?

While most tourists do not need a bodyguard in Cairo, there are certain situations where it might be advisable:

  • High-profile individuals: Celebrities, politicians, or business executives may require extra security.
  • Traveling with valuable items: If you are carrying expensive equipment or large sums of money, additional security might be necessary.
  • Concerns about personal safety: If you have specific concerns about your safety, hiring a bodyguard can provide peace of mind.

Alternatives to Hiring a Bodyguard

If hiring a bodyguard is not feasible, there are several other steps you can take to ensure your safety while visiting Cairo:

  1. Stay in well-known hotels: Choose reputable accommodations that have good security measures in place.
  2. Use trusted transportation: Opt for well-known taxi services or ride-sharing apps rather than hailing cabs on the street.
  3. Avoid risky areas: Research the city beforehand and avoid neighborhoods known for higher crime rates.
  4. Keep valuables secure: Use hotel safes and avoid displaying expensive items publicly.
  5. Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with local news and follow the advice of local authorities.

Practical Tips for Staying Safe

Here are some practical tips to help you stay safe while exploring Cairo:

  • Blend in: Try to dress modestly and avoid drawing attention to yourself as a tourist.
  • Stay alert: Be aware of your surroundings and avoid distracted behaviors, such as using your phone in crowded areas.
  • Travel in groups: Whenever possible, travel with companions, especially at night.
  • Keep emergency contacts: Have a list of emergency contacts, including the local embassy or consulate.
  • Learn basic Arabic phrases: Knowing a few key phrases can help you navigate the city and communicate in case of an emergency.


In conclusion, while most travelers do not need a bodyguard to visit Cairo, certain individuals and situations may warrant extra security measures. By taking standard precautions and staying informed, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip to this vibrant and historic city. Whether or not you choose to hire a bodyguard, being prepared and cautious will ensure that your visit to Cairo is a positive experience.


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