The best body guard in Egypt

The first to use the bodyguard

Stephen Seagal, the well-known American actor, is the first person to work as a bodyguard for the Shah of Iran, as he used him to work as a bodyguard before the Khomeini revolution Steven Seagal lived in  California  during his

Why do Egyptian artists and celebrities use the Body Guard?

Most Egyptian artists and singers use the “Body Guards” to protect them from some audiences and harassers, and to prevent journalists from persecuting them, and the special screening of Egyptian cinematic films is not devoid of the presence of Body

The best specifications of the bodyguard (bodyguard)

The best specifications of the Body Guard If you are looking to protect your company, your home, your personal protection, or your family, Body Guard Egypt is a specialized company. Perhaps the most important characteristics of a bodyguard that must

The most famous bodyguard in the history of Egypt

Nahed El-Adawy or Captain Ghobashi is considered the most famous “Body Guard” in Egyptian cinema He passed away years ago without anyone noticing him, and he was Captain Ghobashi, or what we know as “Nahed Al-Adawy”, who played few roles

The Bodyguard.. Fashion in the world of art and politics in Egypt

The Bodyguard.. Fashion in the world of art Many stars in Egypt have become keen on accompanying them in most of their movements and steps, as some consider it an inevitable necessity to protect him from the crowd crowding on

Balbody Guard.. A teacher raises controversy by promoting private lessons for high school students for the year 2022

wide criticism; I pursued a high school teacher in Gharbia, after the pioneers of social networking sites shared a video clip. The teacher of philosophy appears, entering one of the private lessons rooms, among a number of bodyguards, or the

Protecting VIPs, celebrities and businessmen is a daunting task for Bodyguard

Protect VIPs, celebrities and businessmen Security and protection are an essential element in people’s lives, and the protection of VIPs, celebrities and businessmen is of paramount importance. And that category of people is at risk because of their social standing,

Bodyguard in Egypt to guard

Body Guard in Egypt for guarding specializes in protecting individuals and property. Currently, I am in Egypt to perform my duties as a bodyguard to guard people, families and businessmen. My main job is to protect the important personalities in

Bodyguard for celebrities and businessmen

Guarding celebrities and businessmen is a sensitive task that requires effective security measures to ensure their safety and protect their privacy. Among the important people who carry out this task are the bodyguards, and among these guards the importance and

The best bodyguard and security companies in Egypt

The best security and bodyguard companies Today, many of us need someone to accompany us, so we can go somewhere. This is to protect us from any risks that may face us. Our mouth is working in a prestigious center.

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